The Fastest-Growing House Plants for All Plant Collectors

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Collecting plants is a really fun and enriching hobby. There’s nothing better than seeing new growth on the plants you have been nurturing. This is evident by the number of social media posts about a new leaf, a new flower, or new fruit. People love sharing their passion for plants. I can relate, that’s why I have this blog, I love talking about plants! Today I’ll round up some of the fastest-growing house plants for those of you looking for the rewards of new plant growth.

Fast-Growing House Plant Care

Houseplants can survive and grow in many different environments. However, to achieve fast growth you will need to be able to provide your plant with the optimal environment and resources. In the list below, I will have a small table that describes the desired light, water, soil, and fertilizer for each plant.

Pilea Peperomioides

The Pilea Peperomioides, or Chinese Money Plant, has flat circular leaves. These plants grow vertically. I’ve actually seen pictures of some that are quite tall. If you do this you’ll probably want to stake it to something. They are also known for creating offshoots or new plants in the soil, which is evidenced by one of its other common names, the Sharing Plant. These offshoots are easy to pull out, pot up, and share with friends.

The Pilea is considered a pretty easy-going plant as it doesn’t require really bright light or rigorous water and fertilizing. It’s also not toxic to cats and dogs, which is an added bonus.

Light NeedsWatering NeedsSoil NeedsFertilizing Needs
Moderate to bright indirect light.Top inch should be dry before watering.Well draining potting soil.Monthly during the growing season.


Pothos are indoor plants with fast growth rates. They also come in a number of varieties that sport various foliage patterns. Some of the most popular are the Golden Pothos, Neon Pothos, Marble Queen Pothos, and the Satin Pothos. Pothos are fun because of their vining nature. You can train them to grow up a moss pole. I’ve also seen people grow them all around their walls with tacks or hooks to hold them up. They’re also beautiful as plain old hanging plants.

Pothos are quick-growing and are considered one of the best plants for beginners because of their adaptability and forgiving nature. They are not pet safe, but as a vining plant, they should be fairly easy to keep away from your pets.

Light NeedsWatering NeedsSoil NeedsFertilizing Needs
Bright indirect light. Tolerates low light.Top inch should be dry before watering.Well draining potting soil.Monthly during the growing season.

Polka Dot Plant

I had to include the Polka Dot Plant, or Hypoestes, for some color. These cute little plants have leaves that are green and pink, red, or white. They are fast-growing house plants. In my opinion, they are easy to get to flower. This was one of my first house plants many years ago when I didn’t know what I was doing, and it flowered. I was over the moon. To be honest, the flowers are super small, so nothing to write home about. The leaves are the main attraction for these plants.

The Polka Dot Plant can be a bit dramatic though. It goes limp when it’s thirsty, but will perk back up with a drink of water. If you’re looking for a fun longer-term project you can also grow Polka Dot Plants from seeds. They are pet safe.

Light NeedsWatering NeedsSoil NeedsFertilizing Needs
Bright indirect light. Tolerates low light.Keep soil moist but not soggy.Well draining potting soil.Every 2 weeks during the growing season.

Money Tree

The Pachira Aquatica, or Money Tree, is easy to care for. You can get these in a range of sizes. They are an indoor plant that grows fast and tall. See my Money Tree Pruning blog to see mine that was about seven feet tall. However, if you want a tall one like that you’re best bet is to get one that has a trunk that’s already around three feet tall. In my experience, they are fairly common to find at your local nursery. The smaller ones I’ve even seen them at grocery stores. No matter the size, your Money Tree will sprout new leaves quickly.

Most Money Trees come with several plant trunks braided together. It’s a really neat look. If you’re looking for an indoor tree, this is a great choice. These trees are pet safe.

Light NeedsWatering NeedsSoil NeedsFertilizing Needs
Moderate to bright indirect light.Top inch should be dry before watering.Well draining potting soil.Monthly during the growing season.


Dieffenbachia, or Dumb Cane, plants have big beautiful variegated leaves. The name Dumb Cane indicates that the sap from the plant is an irritant to your skin and worse if ingested. I have experienced the skin irritation firsthand. While trimming a browning leaf off my Dieffenbachia, I got some sap on my thumb. I washed my hand immediately, but that wasn’t enough. My thumb was red and irritated for several days. Not to scare you off of them though. They are nice foliage plants. They are also indoor plants that grow fast and tall.

The Dieffenbachia is like the Money Tree in terms of availability. Smaller ones can be found at the grocery store or home improvement store. If you want a larger one you’ll probably have to visit a nursery. These are very not pet safe.

Light NeedsWatering NeedsSoil NeedsFertilizing Needs
Bright indirect light. Tolerates low light.Keep soil moist but not soggy.Well draining potting soil.Monthly during the growing season.

Euphorbia Trigona

I wanted to include at least one succulent as well. The Euphorbia Trigona is a fast-growing succulent, that is often mistaken for a cactus. They do have spikes on the edges where they also grow small leaves that eventually fall off. I like Euphorbia Trigonas because they grow fast and are super easy to propagate. Mine is pictured below. It was originally two short stems maybe 6 and 8 inches tall. I think I got it in 2017. I can’t remember when I trimmed it, but I lopped the two stems off and replanted the cuttings in the same pot. It would be even taller if I hadn’t. The cut pieces branched out to continue growing vertically as you can see.

Euphorbia Trigonas don’t need a large pot. These, like the Dieffenbachia, have sap that is a skin irritant, and should also not be ingested. Be sure to use gloves when you handle and trim it. Keep it out of reach of pets because it is toxic to them as well.

Light NeedsWatering NeedsSoil NeedsFertilizing Needs
Bright direct light.Let soil dry completely between waterings.Well draining potting soil.Every 2 weeks during the growing season.

What’s your favorite fast-growing house plant? Do have any of these? How quickly do they grow? Tell us in the comments.

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I'm a long time plant lover on the quest to happily coexist with as many plants as I can. Let's grow!

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